Monday, June 3, 2013

Your First Blog Post

Now that you are half way through your novels, I have some questions for you:

Think about your protagonist.

  1. What is the most annoying feature of your protagonist? Explain with two examples.
  2. What is the most impressive quality of your protagonist? Explain with two examples.

Expectations for responses:

Make sure that you clearly state the title and author of your book! For the above questions, your response should be at least one paragraph of 120 words. Once you have done this, you are also expected to read and comment on at least two classmates' posts in relation the above two questions.

You may be asking, "How do I respond to a classmate's blog post when I haven't read his/her book?" For example, ask your classmate to explain and to justify his/her position with more examples. You can also compare your characters to your classmates' characters by finding similarities or discussing differences.

How to respond to this blog post:

You will need to sign up for an email account with gmail or a similar service before you can respond to these blog posts. Please see Mr. Szatmary or Ms. Jensen if you need help with this.

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